spoga horse 04.-06.02.2023 Help (FAQ English) spoga horse @home FAQ FAQ|Participants Screen sharing questions and issues Screen sharing questions and issues Another participant is sharing their screen, and I would like to take over and share my screen. However, clicking the "start share screen" button doesn't do anything. What can I do?I click on the "start share screen" button but nothing happens. What can I do?The pop-up window appeared after I clicked on the "start share screen" button. However, when I click on the "share" button in the pop-up, nothing happens. What can I do?When I share my screen, the screen is shown as much smaller than it should be. What can I do?PowerPoint shows my notes, not the presentation when I share my screen. What can I do?I can't choose which display/app window I want to share when I click on the "start share screen" button. What can I do? ×