The "Confirmed" tab shows you all the appointments you’ve accepted, as well as all those you have created yourself. The appointments are displayed in two separate sections: "Upcoming" and "Past".
The "Upcoming" section shows you the meetings you have in the future. You can click on an appointment to see the details. You can also click on the "More Options" button to use the following options:
View appointment
Decline appointment
Join appointment
Chat with participants
Export calendar entry
Appointments (tab)
The "View appointment" button shows you the details. The "Decline appointment" button allows you to change the status of the appointment to declined. The "Join appointment" button enables you to join the video chat, and Chat with participants enables you to start a text chat with the appointment participants (see more: Video Chat, Chat. The "Export calendar" entry button allows you to download the details in the ICS format.
Appointment organizers, i.e., the person who sends the appointment request to the other participant(s), have additional options at their disposal. They can also edit the appointment details or cancel the appointment when viewing the details.
The Past section shows you the appointments you’ve already had. You can click on a appointment to see the details. You can also click on the "More Options" button to use the following options:
You are not able to edit or join appointment in this section.
You can export all the appointment in either section and download them in the ICS format by clicking on the appropriate buttons: