People (CC section)
This section allows you to use networking features in the communication center.
This section is divided into three separate tabs:
My Contacts
Networking (tab)
There is a search box at the top of the Networking tab. Below the search box, participants are displayed in two separate sections:
In the "Favorites" section, all participants you have marked using the favorites feature are displayed, regardless of whether you are already connected to them. You can click on a participant to view their profile page. You can also click the "More options" button to open a pop-up window that shows you how you can interact with them.
The "Relevant" section functions similarly to the "Relevant" tab on the "Networking" page. You can easily search for contacts that might be interesting for you here. The purpose of this section is to show you other people with similar interests, so you can network with them. The people in this section are displayed in alphabetical order by last name. When you click on a name, the associated profile page is displayed.
The "More options" button (three small dots to the right of the name) opens a pop-up window that allows you to interact with this participant in various ways:
You can add them to your favorites,
remove them from your favorites,
start a text or video chat,
make an appointment,
network with them,
recommend them to other participants,
block them or even report them.
Requests (tab)
There is a search box at the top of the "Requests" tab. Below the search box, participants are displayed in two separate sections: "Received requests" and "Sent requests". These sections are only displayed if you have sent or received contact requests that have not yet been responded to.
The "Received requests" section displays the contact requests that other people have sent to you. They are displayed in ascending chronological order. The request includes the person's name, job title and company, as well as his or her profile picture and a short message he or she may have added. You can click on the person to open the respective profile page, or accept or ignore the contact request by clicking on the corresponding button.
In the "Sent requests" section, you will see the people to whom you have sent contact requests that have not yet been responded to. The people in this section are displayed in ascending chronological order of the associated requests. If you click on one of the names, the corresponding profile page will be displayed. The "More options" button (three small dots to the right of the name) opens a pop-up window that allows you to interact with this participant in various ways:
You can add or remove the person from your favorites, start a text or video chat, make an appointment, network with the person, or recommend the person to other participants. You can also block or report the person.
My Contacts (tab)
There is a search box at the top of the Contacts tab. Below the search box, you can use the buttons to export contacts in VCF formate or export contacts in CSV format. You can use these buttons to export and download all your contacts (including those of your team members if you are an employee of an exhibitor) in your preferred format.
The people are displayed in two separate sections on this tab: "Favorites" and "Personal contacts". If you are an employee of an exhibitor, the section "My company's contacts" will also be displayed.
In the Favorites section, you will see all the contacts that you have marked using the Favorites feature. The contacts in this section are displayed in alphabetical order by last name. If you click on one of the contacts, the corresponding profile page will be displayed. The "More options" button (three small dots to the right of the name) opens a pop-up window that allows you to interact with this contact in various ways:
You can add or remove the person from your favorites, start a text or video chat, make an appointment, network with the person, or recommend the person to other participants. You can also block or report the person.
The "Personal contacts" section displays all contacts that you have not selected. The contacts in this section are displayed in the alphabetical order of their last names. If you click on one of the contacts, the associated profile page opens. The More Options button (three small circles to the right of the name) opens a pop-up window that allows you to interact with that contact in various ways:
You can favourite or remove the person from your favourites list, start a text or video chat, make an appointment, network with the person or recommend the person to other participants. You can also block or report the person.
My organization’s contacts
The "My company's contacts" section is only displayed if you are an employee of an exhibitor. You can see all contacts here that you and all other employees have made, regardless of whether you yourself are networked with them. The contacts are displayed in a list. If you click on one of the contacts, the corresponding profile page will be displayed. The "More options" button (three small dots to the right of the name) opens a pop-up window that allows you to interact with this contact in various ways:
You can add or remove the person from your favorites, start a text or video chat, make an appointment, network with the person, or recommend the person to other participants. You can also block or report the person.