The chat feature enables you to communicate with other participants through text messages. The chat feature is always available to you in the communication center (see more: Chat (CC section)), so once you start a chat with another participant, you are free to browse the event site while chatting to that participant. This makes it a very convenient way of communicating with someone whilst still getting the full event experience.
You can chat to a participant by finding the already existing chat in the Chat section or using the Start new chat button in the communication center. Additionally, when someone uses the Share or Recommend feature, you will receive a link to the personal profile page or exhibitor's tile through the chat.
Individual chat layout and options
Once you open a chat with someone, the chatbox will take up most of the communication center. At the top, you will see the five buttons that are always present in the communication center. Just below that, you have a section with the name of the participant you’re chatting to and two buttons:
The Go back button takes you back to the chat section
and the "More Options" button opens an action prompt that shows various features to interact with that participant.
Additionally, you will be shown their profile image - by clicking on that profile image you go directly to their personal profile page. To close the action prompt, you can click the "More Options" button again or click on the participant’s name under the profile image.
The text messages are displayed below. They are displayed in chronological order, with the latest messages displayed at the bottom. Sent messages are displayed on the right-hand side, received messages on the left-hand side, and when a participant sent a message is shown under each message. In addition to that, if you’ve chatted with a participant on various dates, you will see a separator with a date that indicates when participants sent the messages below that separator. The text input field is at the very bottom, and in addition to the input field itself, where you can see the message you’re typing, you have two buttons:
The Emoji icon allows you to choose from a great variety of emojis and add them to your messages.
When you want to send the message, you can do it either by clicking on the "Send" button or pressing the Enter key.
Individual meeting chat layout and options
You can also start a chat with an individual participant via the Appointment feature. The chatbox takes up most of the communication center. At the top, you will see the five buttons that are always present in the communication center. Just below that, you have a section with the name of the chat - which is the same as the name of the meeting and the names of the participant you’re chatting to. There are two buttons:
The "Go back" button takes you back to the chat section,
and the "More Options" button opens an action prompt that shows the various options to interact with that group.
To close the action prompt, you can click the More options button or click on the participant’s name under the profile image.
The details feature will show you the meeting from which the chat was created. You cannot change the chat name as it’s derived from the name of the meeting. Furthermore, you cannot add new participants to the chat directly - for you to create a group chat, more participants have to be added to the meeting itself.
Group chat layout and options
In a group chat, the chatbox will take up most of the communication center. At the top, you will see the five buttons that are always present in the communication center. Just below that, you have a section with the name of the group chat and the names of the participants you’re chatting to, and two buttons:
The Go back button takes you back to the chat section,
and the More Options button opens an action prompt that shows the group description as well as various options to interact with that group
To close the action prompt, you can click the More Options button or click on the participant’s name under the profile image.
The Details feature works differently depending on how the group chat was created. If the group chat was created by using the "New group" option in the "Start new chat" feature, then by opening the Details feature, you can change the group name and description in the respective input fields, search and add additional participants to the chat, as well as exit the group by using the appropriate button. You can also go back to the chatbox by clicking on the "Go back" button.
If the group chat was created using the "Chat with participants" option in the meeting pop-up window, the details feature will show you that meeting. You cannot change the group name and description as they are derived from the name and description of the meeting. Furthermore, you cannot add new participants to the group chat directly - for them to be included in a group chat, they have to be added to the meeting itself.
The text messages are displayed in chronological order, with the latest messages displayed at the bottom. Sent messages are displayed on the right-hand side, received messages on the left-hand side, and when a message was sent is shown under each message. Received messages will show the name of the participant who sent the message above the message itself. In addition to that, if you’ve chatted with the group on various dates, you will see a separator with a date that indicates when participants sent the messages below that separator. The text input field is at the very bottom, and in addition to the input field itself, where you can see the message you’re typing, you have two buttons:
The Emoji icon allows you to choose from a great variety of emojis and add them to your messages.
When you want to send the message, you can do it either by clicking on the "Send" button or pressing the Enter key.